We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation which means that your financial donations are tax deductable. We have a completely voluntary board of directors and we are a faith based organization which means that each of our volunteers must raise their own financial support either through regular full time employment or financial support raising. When you donate financially to Seekers International Foundation, unless designated for a particular project or program, the funds will be distributed to Seekers International Foundation according to specific budgeted need within each of our Seekers Spheres (Seekers International Cafés, Seekers Corps, Seekers Services and Seekers Community).

75% of the unallocated funds that we receive each month are directed explicitly towards our youth programs within our 4 Seekers Spheres. 10% is invested in other biblical based youth related charities and organizations, it is our act of worship and obedience. Furthermore, an additional 10% is allocated to overhead and other business expenses and 5% is allocated towards our support raising efforts.

As a foundation we do have administrative costs and overhead that cannot be avoided, so we do allow for ten percent of those unspecified donations be allocated towards general business expenses. We manage our foundation as a cash basis nonprofit which means that we will not use credit or loans to advance our foundation. It is our belief that God does not desire us to be slaves to lenders, nor do we want to teach our young people to avoid credit indebtedness only to turn around and go into debt ourselves. We take financial stewardship extremely seriously and we teach our young people to do the same. We recommend to you, as our financial partner to please support us by using your debit card instead of a credit card. We certainly don't want to contribute to you becoming a slave to debt, on account of us as an organization.

It is our desire to partner with you right now, so please prayerfully consider giving financially and invest in eternity with us.

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